Flama CLIModel
Flama CLI~ 6 min read


Serverless interaction

We've discussed how to serve models as APIs with which we can interact with via HTTP requests. However, it might be the case that we want to interact with the model directly without the overhead of a server, e.g.:

  • Development & testing: We are working with a model locally and want to try it out on some data to quickly see whether everything is working as expected. This is typically what happens when we're in the development stage of the ML lifecycle.

  • Streaming workflow: This is also the case when we want to use a model as part of a larger pipeline where the model acts as a data processor in a stream of data, in which case we want to be able to pipe data into the model and get the output back.

It is then clear that we need a different way to make use of the model than the client-server approach we've discussed so far.

The command model allows us to interact with models directly from the command line without the need for a server. To inspect the command options, run:

flama model --help
Usage: flama model [OPTIONS] MODEL_PATH COMMAND [ARGS]...
Interact with an ML model without server.
This command is used to directly interact with an ML model without the need of a server. This command can be used to perform any operation that is supported by the model, such as inspect, or predict. <FLAMA_MODEL_PATH> is the path of the model to be used, e.g. 'path/to/model.flm'. This can be passed directly as argument of the command line, or by environment variable.
Options: --help Show this message and exit.
Commands: inspect Inspect an ML model. predict Make a prediction using an ML model.


The sub-command inspect allows us to get access to the model metadata, as well as the list of artifacts packaged with the model, in a human-readable format. To access the documentation of the command, run:

flama model path/to/model.flm inspect --help
Usage: flama model FLAMA_MODEL_PATH inspect [OPTIONS]
Inspect an ML model.
This command is used to inspect an ML model without the need of a server. This command can be used to extract the ML model metadata, including the ID, time when the model was created, information of the framework, and the model info; and the list of artifacts packaged with the model.
Options: -p, --pretty Pretty print the model inspection. --help Show this message and exit.


The sub-command predict allows us to make predictions using the model. To access the documentation of the command, run:

flama model path/to/model.flm predict --help
Usage: flama model FLAMA_MODEL_PATH predict [OPTIONS]
Make a prediction using an ML model.
This command is used to make a prediction using an ML model without the need of a server. It can be used for batch predictions, so both input and output arguments must be json files containing a list of input values, each input value being a list of values associated to the input of the model. The output will be the list of predictions associated to the input, with each prediction being a list of values representing the output of the model.
- input.json: [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1]]
- output.json: [[0], [1], [1], [0]]
Options: -f, --file FILENAME File to be used as input for the model prediction in JSON format. (default: stdin). -o, --output FILENAME File to be used as output for the model prediction in JSON format. (default: stdout). -p, --pretty Pretty print the model prediction. --help Show this message and exit.


To illustrate the usage of the model command, we'll use one of the models introduced before in the Serve section, e.g. the SciKit-Learn model.

Model inspection

To start with, let's inspect the model:

flama model sklearn_model.flm inspect
{"meta": {"id": "621c1d8a-144a-4a86-9a9c-9157f80bfa2d", "timestamp": "2023-03-10T11:30:00", "framework": {"lib": "sklearn", "version": "1.2.1"}, "model": {"obj": "MLPClassifier", "info": {"activation": "tanh", "alpha": 0.0001, "batch_size": "auto", "beta_1": 0.9, "beta_2": 0.999, "early_stopping": false, "epsilon": 1e-08, "hidden_layer_sizes": [10], "learning_rate": "constant", "learning_rate_init": 0.001, "max_fun": 15000, "max_iter": 2000, "momentum": 0.9, "n_iter_no_change": 10, "nesterovs_momentum": true, "power_t": 0.5, "random_state": null, "shuffle": true, "solver": "adam", "tol": 0.0001, "validation_fraction": 0.1, "verbose": false, "warm_start": false}, "params": {"optimizer": "adams"}, "metrics": {"recall": "0.95"}}, "extra": {"model_version": "1.0.0", "model_description": "This is a test model", "model_author": "John Doe", "model_license": "MIT", "tags": ["test", "example"]}}, "artifacts": {"foo.json": "/var/folders/_s/cvfnpmcn5clbnlsrmd5n1fqw0000gn/T/tmphtxxdfav/artifacts/foo.json"}}

As we can see, the model metadata is returned in JSON format. If we want to get a more human-readable output, we can use the --pretty option:

flama model sklearn_model.flm inspect --pretty
{ "artifacts": { "foo.json": "/var/folders/_s/cvfnpmcn5clbnlsrmd5n1fqw0000gn/T/tmpdf16p79o/artifacts/foo.json" }, "meta": { "extra": { "model_author": "John Doe", "model_description": "This is a test model", "model_license": "MIT", "model_version": "1.0.0", "tags": [ "test", "example" ] }, "framework": { "lib": "sklearn", "version": "1.2.1" }, "id": "621c1d8a-144a-4a86-9a9c-9157f80bfa2d", "model": { "info": { "activation": "tanh", "alpha": 0.0001, "batch_size": "auto", "beta_1": 0.9, "beta_2": 0.999, "early_stopping": false, "epsilon": 1e-08, "hidden_layer_sizes": [ 10 ], "learning_rate": "constant", "learning_rate_init": 0.001, "max_fun": 15000, "max_iter": 2000, "momentum": 0.9, "n_iter_no_change": 10, "nesterovs_momentum": true, "power_t": 0.5, "random_state": null, "shuffle": true, "solver": "adam", "tol": 0.0001, "validation_fraction": 0.1, "verbose": false, "warm_start": false }, "metrics": { "recall": "0.95" }, "obj": "MLPClassifier", "params": { "optimizer": "adams" } }, "timestamp": "2023-03-10T11:30:00" }}

The usefulness of the inspect command is that it allows us to visualise all the relevant information associated to the model without having to load it, and with the ease of a single command. This can be used to verify the model integrity and version, amongst other things, within the context of a continuous integration and continuous deployment process.

Inline input prediction

Now that we know how to inspect a model, let's make a prediction by using the predict command:

echo '[[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1]]' | flama model sklearn_model.flm predict
[0, 1, 1, 0]

If we want to get a more human-readable output, we can use the --pretty option:

echo '[[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1]]' | flama model sklearn_model.flm predict --pretty
[ 0, 1, 1, 0]

File input prediction

The predict command can also be used to make predictions from a file:

flama model sklearn_model.flm predict --file input.json --pretty
[ 0, 1, 1, 0]

The output of any prediction can be stored in a file by using the --output option:

flama model sklearn_model.flm predict --input input.json --output output.json

Piping several models together

The default behaviour of the predict command is to receive and return data through the standard input and output. This allows us to pipe several models together in a single command. For example, let's say we have models model_a.flm and model_b.flm, and we need to make a prediction with model_a.flm and then use the output of that prediction as input for model_b.flm. This can be done by using the following command:

echo '[0, 1, 2, 3]' | flama model model_a.flm predict | flama model model_b.flm predict
[1, 0, 1, 0]

This can be generalised to consider as many models as you need by following the general pattern:

echo 'input' | flama model model_1.flm predict | flama model model_2.flm predict | ... | flama model model_n.flm predict